/* * Copyright 2012-16 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: AMD * */ #include "dce_transform.h" #include "reg_helper.h" #include "opp.h" #include "basics/conversion.h" #include "dc.h" #define REG(reg) \ (xfm_dce->regs->reg) #undef FN #define FN(reg_name, field_name) \ xfm_dce->xfm_shift->field_name, xfm_dce->xfm_mask->field_name #define CTX \ xfm_dce->base.ctx #define IDENTITY_RATIO(ratio) (dal_fixed31_32_u2d19(ratio) == (1 << 19)) #define GAMUT_MATRIX_SIZE 12 #define SCL_PHASES 16 enum dcp_out_trunc_round_mode { DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_TRUNCATE, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_ROUND }; enum dcp_out_trunc_round_depth { DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_14BIT, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_13BIT, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_12BIT, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_11BIT, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_10BIT, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_9BIT, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_8BIT }; /* defines the various methods of bit reduction available for use */ enum dcp_bit_depth_reduction_mode { DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_DITHER, DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_ROUND, DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_TRUNCATE, DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_DISABLED, DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_INVALID }; enum dcp_spatial_dither_mode { DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_AAAA, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_A_AA_A, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_AABBAABB, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_AABBCCAABBCC, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_INVALID }; enum dcp_spatial_dither_depth { DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_30BPP, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_24BPP }; enum csc_color_mode { /* 00 - BITS2:0 Bypass */ CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_BYPASS, /* 01 - hard coded coefficient TV RGB */ CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_PREDEFINED, /* 04 - programmable OUTPUT CSC coefficient */ CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_CSC, }; enum grph_color_adjust_option { GRPH_COLOR_MATRIX_HW_DEFAULT = 1, GRPH_COLOR_MATRIX_SW }; static const struct out_csc_color_matrix global_color_matrix[] = { { COLOR_SPACE_SRGB, { 0x2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2000, 0} }, { COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_LIMITED, { 0x1B60, 0, 0, 0x200, 0, 0x1B60, 0, 0x200, 0, 0, 0x1B60, 0x200} }, { COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR601, { 0xE00, 0xF447, 0xFDB9, 0x1000, 0x82F, 0x1012, 0x31F, 0x200, 0xFB47, 0xF6B9, 0xE00, 0x1000} }, { COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR709, { 0xE00, 0xF349, 0xFEB7, 0x1000, 0x5D2, 0x1394, 0x1FA, 0x200, 0xFCCB, 0xF535, 0xE00, 0x1000} }, /* TODO: correct values below */ { COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR601_LIMITED, { 0xE00, 0xF447, 0xFDB9, 0x1000, 0x991, 0x12C9, 0x3A6, 0x200, 0xFB47, 0xF6B9, 0xE00, 0x1000} }, { COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR709_LIMITED, { 0xE00, 0xF349, 0xFEB7, 0x1000, 0x6CE, 0x16E3, 0x24F, 0x200, 0xFCCB, 0xF535, 0xE00, 0x1000} } }; static bool setup_scaling_configuration( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct scaler_data *data) { REG_SET(SCL_BYPASS_CONTROL, 0, SCL_BYPASS_MODE, 0); if (data->taps.h_taps + data->taps.v_taps <= 2) { /* Set bypass */ if (xfm_dce->xfm_mask->SCL_PSCL_EN != 0) REG_UPDATE_2(SCL_MODE, SCL_MODE, 0, SCL_PSCL_EN, 0); else REG_UPDATE(SCL_MODE, SCL_MODE, 0); return false; } REG_SET_2(SCL_TAP_CONTROL, 0, SCL_H_NUM_OF_TAPS, data->taps.h_taps - 1, SCL_V_NUM_OF_TAPS, data->taps.v_taps - 1); if (data->format <= PIXEL_FORMAT_GRPH_END) REG_UPDATE(SCL_MODE, SCL_MODE, 1); else REG_UPDATE(SCL_MODE, SCL_MODE, 2); if (xfm_dce->xfm_mask->SCL_PSCL_EN != 0) REG_UPDATE(SCL_MODE, SCL_PSCL_EN, 1); /* 1 - Replace out of bound pixels with edge */ REG_SET(SCL_CONTROL, 0, SCL_BOUNDARY_MODE, 1); return true; } static void program_overscan( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct scaler_data *data) { int overscan_right = data->h_active - data->recout.x - data->recout.width; int overscan_bottom = data->v_active - data->recout.y - data->recout.height; if (xfm_dce->base.ctx->dc->debug.surface_visual_confirm) { overscan_bottom += 2; overscan_right += 2; } if (overscan_right < 0) { BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); overscan_right = 0; } if (overscan_bottom < 0) { BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); overscan_bottom = 0; } REG_SET_2(EXT_OVERSCAN_LEFT_RIGHT, 0, EXT_OVERSCAN_LEFT, data->recout.x, EXT_OVERSCAN_RIGHT, overscan_right); REG_SET_2(EXT_OVERSCAN_TOP_BOTTOM, 0, EXT_OVERSCAN_TOP, data->recout.y, EXT_OVERSCAN_BOTTOM, overscan_bottom); } static void program_multi_taps_filter( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, int taps, const uint16_t *coeffs, enum ram_filter_type filter_type) { int phase, pair; int array_idx = 0; int taps_pairs = (taps + 1) / 2; int phases_to_program = SCL_PHASES / 2 + 1; uint32_t power_ctl = 0; if (!coeffs) return; /*We need to disable power gating on coeff memory to do programming*/ if (REG(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL)) { power_ctl = REG_READ(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL); REG_SET(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL, power_ctl, SCL_COEFF_MEM_PWR_DIS, 1); REG_WAIT(DCFE_MEM_PWR_STATUS, SCL_COEFF_MEM_PWR_STATE, 0, 1, 10); } for (phase = 0; phase < phases_to_program; phase++) { /*we always program N/2 + 1 phases, total phases N, but N/2-1 are just mirror phase 0 is unique and phase N/2 is unique if N is even*/ for (pair = 0; pair < taps_pairs; pair++) { uint16_t odd_coeff = 0; uint16_t even_coeff = coeffs[array_idx]; REG_SET_3(SCL_COEF_RAM_SELECT, 0, SCL_C_RAM_FILTER_TYPE, filter_type, SCL_C_RAM_PHASE, phase, SCL_C_RAM_TAP_PAIR_IDX, pair); if (taps % 2 && pair == taps_pairs - 1) array_idx++; else { odd_coeff = coeffs[array_idx + 1]; array_idx += 2; } REG_SET_4(SCL_COEF_RAM_TAP_DATA, 0, SCL_C_RAM_EVEN_TAP_COEF_EN, 1, SCL_C_RAM_EVEN_TAP_COEF, even_coeff, SCL_C_RAM_ODD_TAP_COEF_EN, 1, SCL_C_RAM_ODD_TAP_COEF, odd_coeff); } } /*We need to restore power gating on coeff memory to initial state*/ if (REG(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL)) REG_WRITE(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL, power_ctl); } static void program_viewport( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct rect *view_port) { REG_SET_2(VIEWPORT_START, 0, VIEWPORT_X_START, view_port->x, VIEWPORT_Y_START, view_port->y); REG_SET_2(VIEWPORT_SIZE, 0, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT, view_port->height, VIEWPORT_WIDTH, view_port->width); /* TODO: add stereo support */ } static void calculate_inits( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct scaler_data *data, struct scl_ratios_inits *inits) { struct fixed31_32 h_init; struct fixed31_32 v_init; inits->h_int_scale_ratio = dal_fixed31_32_u2d19(data->ratios.horz) << 5; inits->v_int_scale_ratio = dal_fixed31_32_u2d19(data->ratios.vert) << 5; h_init = dal_fixed31_32_div_int( dal_fixed31_32_add( data->ratios.horz, dal_fixed31_32_from_int(data->taps.h_taps + 1)), 2); inits->h_init.integer = dal_fixed31_32_floor(h_init); inits->h_init.fraction = dal_fixed31_32_u0d19(h_init) << 5; v_init = dal_fixed31_32_div_int( dal_fixed31_32_add( data->ratios.vert, dal_fixed31_32_from_int(data->taps.v_taps + 1)), 2); inits->v_init.integer = dal_fixed31_32_floor(v_init); inits->v_init.fraction = dal_fixed31_32_u0d19(v_init) << 5; } static void program_scl_ratios_inits( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, struct scl_ratios_inits *inits) { REG_SET(SCL_HORZ_FILTER_SCALE_RATIO, 0, SCL_H_SCALE_RATIO, inits->h_int_scale_ratio); REG_SET(SCL_VERT_FILTER_SCALE_RATIO, 0, SCL_V_SCALE_RATIO, inits->v_int_scale_ratio); REG_SET_2(SCL_HORZ_FILTER_INIT, 0, SCL_H_INIT_INT, inits->h_init.integer, SCL_H_INIT_FRAC, inits->h_init.fraction); REG_SET_2(SCL_VERT_FILTER_INIT, 0, SCL_V_INIT_INT, inits->v_init.integer, SCL_V_INIT_FRAC, inits->v_init.fraction); REG_WRITE(SCL_AUTOMATIC_MODE_CONTROL, 0); } static const uint16_t *get_filter_coeffs_16p(int taps, struct fixed31_32 ratio) { if (taps == 4) return get_filter_4tap_16p(ratio); else if (taps == 3) return get_filter_3tap_16p(ratio); else if (taps == 2) return filter_2tap_16p; else if (taps == 1) return NULL; else { /* should never happen, bug */ BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); return NULL; } } static void dce_transform_set_scaler( struct transform *xfm, const struct scaler_data *data) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); bool is_scaling_required; bool filter_updated = false; const uint16_t *coeffs_v, *coeffs_h; /*Use all three pieces of memory always*/ REG_SET_2(LB_MEMORY_CTRL, 0, LB_MEMORY_CONFIG, 0, LB_MEMORY_SIZE, xfm_dce->lb_memory_size); /* Clear SCL_F_SHARP_CONTROL value to 0 */ REG_WRITE(SCL_F_SHARP_CONTROL, 0); /* 1. Program overscan */ program_overscan(xfm_dce, data); /* 2. Program taps and configuration */ is_scaling_required = setup_scaling_configuration(xfm_dce, data); if (is_scaling_required) { /* 3. Calculate and program ratio, filter initialization */ struct scl_ratios_inits inits = { 0 }; calculate_inits(xfm_dce, data, &inits); program_scl_ratios_inits(xfm_dce, &inits); coeffs_v = get_filter_coeffs_16p(data->taps.v_taps, data->ratios.vert); coeffs_h = get_filter_coeffs_16p(data->taps.h_taps, data->ratios.horz); if (coeffs_v != xfm_dce->filter_v || coeffs_h != xfm_dce->filter_h) { /* 4. Program vertical filters */ if (xfm_dce->filter_v == NULL) REG_SET(SCL_VERT_FILTER_CONTROL, 0, SCL_V_2TAP_HARDCODE_COEF_EN, 0); program_multi_taps_filter( xfm_dce, data->taps.v_taps, coeffs_v, FILTER_TYPE_RGB_Y_VERTICAL); program_multi_taps_filter( xfm_dce, data->taps.v_taps, coeffs_v, FILTER_TYPE_ALPHA_VERTICAL); /* 5. Program horizontal filters */ if (xfm_dce->filter_h == NULL) REG_SET(SCL_HORZ_FILTER_CONTROL, 0, SCL_H_2TAP_HARDCODE_COEF_EN, 0); program_multi_taps_filter( xfm_dce, data->taps.h_taps, coeffs_h, FILTER_TYPE_RGB_Y_HORIZONTAL); program_multi_taps_filter( xfm_dce, data->taps.h_taps, coeffs_h, FILTER_TYPE_ALPHA_HORIZONTAL); xfm_dce->filter_v = coeffs_v; xfm_dce->filter_h = coeffs_h; filter_updated = true; } } /* 6. Program the viewport */ program_viewport(xfm_dce, &data->viewport); /* 7. Set bit to flip to new coefficient memory */ if (filter_updated) REG_UPDATE(SCL_UPDATE, SCL_COEF_UPDATE_COMPLETE, 1); REG_UPDATE(LB_DATA_FORMAT, ALPHA_EN, data->lb_params.alpha_en); } /***************************************************************************** * set_clamp * * @param depth : bit depth to set the clamp to (should match denorm) * * @brief * Programs clamp according to panel bit depth. * *******************************************************************************/ static void set_clamp( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, enum dc_color_depth depth) { int clamp_max = 0; /* At the clamp block the data will be MSB aligned, so we set the max * clamp accordingly. * For example, the max value for 6 bits MSB aligned (14 bit bus) would * be "11 1111 0000 0000" in binary, so 0x3F00. */ switch (depth) { case COLOR_DEPTH_666: /* 6bit MSB aligned on 14 bit bus '11 1111 0000 0000' */ clamp_max = 0x3F00; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_888: /* 8bit MSB aligned on 14 bit bus '11 1111 1100 0000' */ clamp_max = 0x3FC0; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_101010: /* 10bit MSB aligned on 14 bit bus '11 1111 1111 1100' */ clamp_max = 0x3FFC; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_121212: /* 12bit MSB aligned on 14 bit bus '11 1111 1111 1111' */ clamp_max = 0x3FFF; break; default: clamp_max = 0x3FC0; BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); /* Invalid clamp bit depth */ } REG_SET_2(OUT_CLAMP_CONTROL_B_CB, 0, OUT_CLAMP_MIN_B_CB, 0, OUT_CLAMP_MAX_B_CB, clamp_max); REG_SET_2(OUT_CLAMP_CONTROL_G_Y, 0, OUT_CLAMP_MIN_G_Y, 0, OUT_CLAMP_MAX_G_Y, clamp_max); REG_SET_2(OUT_CLAMP_CONTROL_R_CR, 0, OUT_CLAMP_MIN_R_CR, 0, OUT_CLAMP_MAX_R_CR, clamp_max); } /******************************************************************************* * set_round * * @brief * Programs Round/Truncate * * @param [in] mode :round or truncate * @param [in] depth :bit depth to round/truncate to OUT_ROUND_TRUNC_MODE 3:0 0xA Output data round or truncate mode POSSIBLE VALUES: 00 - truncate to u0.12 01 - truncate to u0.11 02 - truncate to u0.10 03 - truncate to u0.9 04 - truncate to u0.8 05 - reserved 06 - truncate to u0.14 07 - truncate to u0.13 set_reg_field_value( value, clamp_max, OUT_CLAMP_CONTROL_R_CR, OUT_CLAMP_MAX_R_CR); 08 - round to u0.12 09 - round to u0.11 10 - round to u0.10 11 - round to u0.9 12 - round to u0.8 13 - reserved 14 - round to u0.14 15 - round to u0.13 ******************************************************************************/ static void set_round( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, enum dcp_out_trunc_round_mode mode, enum dcp_out_trunc_round_depth depth) { int depth_bits = 0; int mode_bit = 0; /* set up bit depth */ switch (depth) { case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_14BIT: depth_bits = 6; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_13BIT: depth_bits = 7; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_12BIT: depth_bits = 0; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_11BIT: depth_bits = 1; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_10BIT: depth_bits = 2; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_9BIT: depth_bits = 3; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_8BIT: depth_bits = 4; break; default: depth_bits = 4; BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); /* Invalid dcp_out_trunc_round_depth */ } /* set up round or truncate */ switch (mode) { case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_TRUNCATE: mode_bit = 0; break; case DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_ROUND: mode_bit = 1; break; default: BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); /* Invalid dcp_out_trunc_round_mode */ } depth_bits |= mode_bit << 3; REG_SET(OUT_ROUND_CONTROL, 0, OUT_ROUND_TRUNC_MODE, depth_bits); } /***************************************************************************** * set_dither * * @brief * Programs Dither * * @param [in] dither_enable : enable dither * @param [in] dither_mode : dither mode to set * @param [in] dither_depth : bit depth to dither to * @param [in] frame_random_enable : enable frame random * @param [in] rgb_random_enable : enable rgb random * @param [in] highpass_random_enable : enable highpass random * ******************************************************************************/ static void set_dither( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, bool dither_enable, enum dcp_spatial_dither_mode dither_mode, enum dcp_spatial_dither_depth dither_depth, bool frame_random_enable, bool rgb_random_enable, bool highpass_random_enable) { int dither_depth_bits = 0; int dither_mode_bits = 0; switch (dither_mode) { case DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_AAAA: dither_mode_bits = 0; break; case DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_A_AA_A: dither_mode_bits = 1; break; case DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_AABBAABB: dither_mode_bits = 2; break; case DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_AABBCCAABBCC: dither_mode_bits = 3; break; default: /* Invalid dcp_spatial_dither_mode */ BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); } switch (dither_depth) { case DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_30BPP: dither_depth_bits = 0; break; case DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_24BPP: dither_depth_bits = 1; break; default: /* Invalid dcp_spatial_dither_depth */ BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); } /* write the register */ REG_SET_6(DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_CNTL, 0, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_EN, dither_enable, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE, dither_mode_bits, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH, dither_depth_bits, DCP_FRAME_RANDOM_ENABLE, frame_random_enable, DCP_RGB_RANDOM_ENABLE, rgb_random_enable, DCP_HIGHPASS_RANDOM_ENABLE, highpass_random_enable); } /***************************************************************************** * dce_transform_bit_depth_reduction_program * * @brief * Programs the DCP bit depth reduction registers (Clamp, Round/Truncate, * Dither) for dce * * @param depth : bit depth to set the clamp to (should match denorm) * ******************************************************************************/ static void program_bit_depth_reduction( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, enum dc_color_depth depth, const struct bit_depth_reduction_params *bit_depth_params) { enum dcp_bit_depth_reduction_mode depth_reduction_mode; enum dcp_spatial_dither_mode spatial_dither_mode; bool frame_random_enable; bool rgb_random_enable; bool highpass_random_enable; ASSERT(depth < COLOR_DEPTH_121212); /* Invalid clamp bit depth */ if (bit_depth_params->flags.SPATIAL_DITHER_ENABLED) { depth_reduction_mode = DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_DITHER; frame_random_enable = true; rgb_random_enable = true; highpass_random_enable = true; } else { depth_reduction_mode = DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_DISABLED; frame_random_enable = false; rgb_random_enable = false; highpass_random_enable = false; } spatial_dither_mode = DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_MODE_A_AA_A; set_clamp(xfm_dce, depth); switch (depth_reduction_mode) { case DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_DITHER: /* Spatial Dither: Set round/truncate to bypass (12bit), * enable Dither (30bpp) */ set_round(xfm_dce, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_TRUNCATE, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_12BIT); set_dither(xfm_dce, true, spatial_dither_mode, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_30BPP, frame_random_enable, rgb_random_enable, highpass_random_enable); break; case DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_ROUND: /* Round: Enable round (10bit), disable Dither */ set_round(xfm_dce, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_ROUND, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_10BIT); set_dither(xfm_dce, false, spatial_dither_mode, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_30BPP, frame_random_enable, rgb_random_enable, highpass_random_enable); break; case DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_TRUNCATE: /* Truncate */ /* Truncate: Enable truncate (10bit), disable Dither */ set_round(xfm_dce, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_TRUNCATE, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_10BIT); set_dither(xfm_dce, false, spatial_dither_mode, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_30BPP, frame_random_enable, rgb_random_enable, highpass_random_enable); break; case DCP_BIT_DEPTH_REDUCTION_MODE_DISABLED: /* Disabled */ /* Truncate: Set round/truncate to bypass (12bit), * disable Dither */ set_round(xfm_dce, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_MODE_TRUNCATE, DCP_OUT_TRUNC_ROUND_DEPTH_12BIT); set_dither(xfm_dce, false, spatial_dither_mode, DCP_SPATIAL_DITHER_DEPTH_30BPP, frame_random_enable, rgb_random_enable, highpass_random_enable); break; default: /* Invalid DCP Depth reduction mode */ BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); break; } } static int dce_transform_get_max_num_of_supported_lines( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, enum lb_pixel_depth depth, int pixel_width) { int pixels_per_entries = 0; int max_pixels_supports = 0; ASSERT(pixel_width); /* Find number of pixels that can fit into a single LB entry and * take floor of the value since we cannot store a single pixel * across multiple entries. */ switch (depth) { case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_18BPP: pixels_per_entries = xfm_dce->lb_bits_per_entry / 18; break; case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_24BPP: pixels_per_entries = xfm_dce->lb_bits_per_entry / 24; break; case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_30BPP: pixels_per_entries = xfm_dce->lb_bits_per_entry / 30; break; case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_36BPP: pixels_per_entries = xfm_dce->lb_bits_per_entry / 36; break; default: dm_logger_write(xfm_dce->base.ctx->logger, LOG_WARNING, "%s: Invalid LB pixel depth", __func__); BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); break; } ASSERT(pixels_per_entries); max_pixels_supports = pixels_per_entries * xfm_dce->lb_memory_size; return (max_pixels_supports / pixel_width); } static void set_denormalization( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, enum dc_color_depth depth) { int denorm_mode = 0; switch (depth) { case COLOR_DEPTH_666: /* 63/64 for 6 bit output color depth */ denorm_mode = 1; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_888: /* Unity for 8 bit output color depth * because prescale is disabled by default */ denorm_mode = 0; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_101010: /* 1023/1024 for 10 bit output color depth */ denorm_mode = 3; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_121212: /* 4095/4096 for 12 bit output color depth */ denorm_mode = 5; break; case COLOR_DEPTH_141414: case COLOR_DEPTH_161616: default: /* not valid used case! */ break; } REG_SET(DENORM_CONTROL, 0, DENORM_MODE, denorm_mode); } static void dce_transform_set_pixel_storage_depth( struct transform *xfm, enum lb_pixel_depth depth, const struct bit_depth_reduction_params *bit_depth_params) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); int pixel_depth, expan_mode; enum dc_color_depth color_depth; switch (depth) { case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_18BPP: color_depth = COLOR_DEPTH_666; pixel_depth = 2; expan_mode = 1; break; case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_24BPP: color_depth = COLOR_DEPTH_888; pixel_depth = 1; expan_mode = 1; break; case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_30BPP: color_depth = COLOR_DEPTH_101010; pixel_depth = 0; expan_mode = 1; break; case LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_36BPP: color_depth = COLOR_DEPTH_121212; pixel_depth = 3; expan_mode = 0; break; default: color_depth = COLOR_DEPTH_101010; pixel_depth = 0; expan_mode = 1; BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER(); break; } set_denormalization(xfm_dce, color_depth); program_bit_depth_reduction(xfm_dce, color_depth, bit_depth_params); REG_UPDATE_2(LB_DATA_FORMAT, PIXEL_DEPTH, pixel_depth, PIXEL_EXPAN_MODE, expan_mode); if (!(xfm_dce->lb_pixel_depth_supported & depth)) { /*we should use unsupported capabilities * unless it is required by w/a*/ dm_logger_write(xfm->ctx->logger, LOG_WARNING, "%s: Capability not supported", __func__); } } static void program_gamut_remap( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const uint16_t *reg_val) { if (reg_val) { REG_SET_2(GAMUT_REMAP_C11_C12, 0, GAMUT_REMAP_C11, reg_val[0], GAMUT_REMAP_C12, reg_val[1]); REG_SET_2(GAMUT_REMAP_C13_C14, 0, GAMUT_REMAP_C13, reg_val[2], GAMUT_REMAP_C14, reg_val[3]); REG_SET_2(GAMUT_REMAP_C21_C22, 0, GAMUT_REMAP_C21, reg_val[4], GAMUT_REMAP_C22, reg_val[5]); REG_SET_2(GAMUT_REMAP_C23_C24, 0, GAMUT_REMAP_C23, reg_val[6], GAMUT_REMAP_C24, reg_val[7]); REG_SET_2(GAMUT_REMAP_C31_C32, 0, GAMUT_REMAP_C31, reg_val[8], GAMUT_REMAP_C32, reg_val[9]); REG_SET_2(GAMUT_REMAP_C33_C34, 0, GAMUT_REMAP_C33, reg_val[10], GAMUT_REMAP_C34, reg_val[11]); REG_SET(GAMUT_REMAP_CONTROL, 0, GRPH_GAMUT_REMAP_MODE, 1); } else REG_SET(GAMUT_REMAP_CONTROL, 0, GRPH_GAMUT_REMAP_MODE, 0); } /** ***************************************************************************** * Function: dal_transform_wide_gamut_set_gamut_remap * * @param [in] const struct xfm_grph_csc_adjustment *adjust * * @return * void * * @note calculate and apply color temperature adjustment to in Rgb color space * * @see * ***************************************************************************** */ static void dce_transform_set_gamut_remap( struct transform *xfm, const struct xfm_grph_csc_adjustment *adjust) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); if (adjust->gamut_adjust_type != GRAPHICS_GAMUT_ADJUST_TYPE_SW) /* Bypass if type is bypass or hw */ program_gamut_remap(xfm_dce, NULL); else { struct fixed31_32 arr_matrix[GAMUT_MATRIX_SIZE]; uint16_t arr_reg_val[GAMUT_MATRIX_SIZE]; arr_matrix[0] = adjust->temperature_matrix[0]; arr_matrix[1] = adjust->temperature_matrix[1]; arr_matrix[2] = adjust->temperature_matrix[2]; arr_matrix[3] = dal_fixed31_32_zero; arr_matrix[4] = adjust->temperature_matrix[3]; arr_matrix[5] = adjust->temperature_matrix[4]; arr_matrix[6] = adjust->temperature_matrix[5]; arr_matrix[7] = dal_fixed31_32_zero; arr_matrix[8] = adjust->temperature_matrix[6]; arr_matrix[9] = adjust->temperature_matrix[7]; arr_matrix[10] = adjust->temperature_matrix[8]; arr_matrix[11] = dal_fixed31_32_zero; convert_float_matrix( arr_reg_val, arr_matrix, GAMUT_MATRIX_SIZE); program_gamut_remap(xfm_dce, arr_reg_val); } } static uint32_t decide_taps(struct fixed31_32 ratio, uint32_t in_taps, bool chroma) { uint32_t taps; if (IDENTITY_RATIO(ratio)) { return 1; } else if (in_taps != 0) { taps = in_taps; } else { taps = 4; } if (chroma) { taps /= 2; if (taps < 2) taps = 2; } return taps; } bool dce_transform_get_optimal_number_of_taps( struct transform *xfm, struct scaler_data *scl_data, const struct scaling_taps *in_taps) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); int pixel_width = scl_data->viewport.width; int max_num_of_lines; if (xfm_dce->prescaler_on && (scl_data->viewport.width > scl_data->recout.width)) pixel_width = scl_data->recout.width; max_num_of_lines = dce_transform_get_max_num_of_supported_lines( xfm_dce, scl_data->lb_params.depth, pixel_width); /* Fail if in_taps are impossible */ if (in_taps->v_taps >= max_num_of_lines) return false; /* * Set taps according to this policy (in this order) * - Use 1 for no scaling * - Use input taps * - Use 4 and reduce as required by line buffer size * - Decide chroma taps if chroma is scaled * * Ignore input chroma taps. Decide based on non-chroma */ scl_data->taps.h_taps = decide_taps(scl_data->ratios.horz, in_taps->h_taps, false); scl_data->taps.v_taps = decide_taps(scl_data->ratios.vert, in_taps->v_taps, false); scl_data->taps.h_taps_c = decide_taps(scl_data->ratios.horz_c, in_taps->h_taps, true); scl_data->taps.v_taps_c = decide_taps(scl_data->ratios.vert_c, in_taps->v_taps, true); if (!IDENTITY_RATIO(scl_data->ratios.vert)) { /* reduce v_taps if needed but ensure we have at least two */ if (in_taps->v_taps == 0 && max_num_of_lines <= scl_data->taps.v_taps && scl_data->taps.v_taps > 1) { scl_data->taps.v_taps = max_num_of_lines - 1; } if (scl_data->taps.v_taps <= 1) return false; } if (!IDENTITY_RATIO(scl_data->ratios.vert_c)) { /* reduce chroma v_taps if needed but ensure we have at least two */ if (max_num_of_lines <= scl_data->taps.v_taps_c && scl_data->taps.v_taps_c > 1) { scl_data->taps.v_taps_c = max_num_of_lines - 1; } if (scl_data->taps.v_taps_c <= 1) return false; } /* we've got valid taps */ return true; } static void dce_transform_reset(struct transform *xfm) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); xfm_dce->filter_h = NULL; xfm_dce->filter_v = NULL; } static void program_color_matrix( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct out_csc_color_matrix *tbl_entry, enum grph_color_adjust_option options) { { REG_SET_2(OUTPUT_CSC_C11_C12, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_C11, tbl_entry->regval[0], OUTPUT_CSC_C12, tbl_entry->regval[1]); } { REG_SET_2(OUTPUT_CSC_C13_C14, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_C11, tbl_entry->regval[2], OUTPUT_CSC_C12, tbl_entry->regval[3]); } { REG_SET_2(OUTPUT_CSC_C21_C22, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_C11, tbl_entry->regval[4], OUTPUT_CSC_C12, tbl_entry->regval[5]); } { REG_SET_2(OUTPUT_CSC_C23_C24, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_C11, tbl_entry->regval[6], OUTPUT_CSC_C12, tbl_entry->regval[7]); } { REG_SET_2(OUTPUT_CSC_C31_C32, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_C11, tbl_entry->regval[8], OUTPUT_CSC_C12, tbl_entry->regval[9]); } { REG_SET_2(OUTPUT_CSC_C33_C34, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_C11, tbl_entry->regval[10], OUTPUT_CSC_C12, tbl_entry->regval[11]); } } static bool configure_graphics_mode( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, enum csc_color_mode config, enum graphics_csc_adjust_type csc_adjust_type, enum dc_color_space color_space) { REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 0); if (csc_adjust_type == GRAPHICS_CSC_ADJUST_TYPE_SW) { if (config == CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_CSC) { REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 4); } else { switch (color_space) { case COLOR_SPACE_SRGB: /* by pass */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 0); break; case COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_LIMITED: /* TV RGB */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 1); break; case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR601: case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR601_LIMITED: /* YCbCr601 */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 2); break; case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR709: case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR709_LIMITED: /* YCbCr709 */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 3); break; default: return false; } } } else if (csc_adjust_type == GRAPHICS_CSC_ADJUST_TYPE_HW) { switch (color_space) { case COLOR_SPACE_SRGB: /* by pass */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 0); break; break; case COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_LIMITED: /* TV RGB */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 1); break; case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR601: case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR601_LIMITED: /* YCbCr601 */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 2); break; case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR709: case COLOR_SPACE_YCBCR709_LIMITED: /* YCbCr709 */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 3); break; default: return false; } } else /* by pass */ REG_SET(OUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL, 0, OUTPUT_CSC_GRPH_MODE, 0); return true; } void dce110_opp_set_csc_adjustment( struct transform *xfm, const struct out_csc_color_matrix *tbl_entry) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); enum csc_color_mode config = CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_CSC; program_color_matrix( xfm_dce, tbl_entry, GRAPHICS_CSC_ADJUST_TYPE_SW); /* We did everything ,now program DxOUTPUT_CSC_CONTROL */ configure_graphics_mode(xfm_dce, config, GRAPHICS_CSC_ADJUST_TYPE_SW, tbl_entry->color_space); } void dce110_opp_set_csc_default( struct transform *xfm, const struct default_adjustment *default_adjust) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); enum csc_color_mode config = CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_PREDEFINED; if (default_adjust->force_hw_default == false) { const struct out_csc_color_matrix *elm; /* currently parameter not in use */ enum grph_color_adjust_option option = GRPH_COLOR_MATRIX_HW_DEFAULT; uint32_t i; /* * HW default false we program locally defined matrix * HW default true we use predefined hw matrix and we * do not need to program matrix * OEM wants the HW default via runtime parameter. */ option = GRPH_COLOR_MATRIX_SW; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(global_color_matrix); ++i) { elm = &global_color_matrix[i]; if (elm->color_space != default_adjust->out_color_space) continue; /* program the matrix with default values from this * file */ program_color_matrix(xfm_dce, elm, option); config = CSC_COLOR_MODE_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_CSC; break; } } /* configure the what we programmed : * 1. Default values from this file * 2. Use hardware default from ROM_A and we do not need to program * matrix */ configure_graphics_mode(xfm_dce, config, default_adjust->csc_adjust_type, default_adjust->out_color_space); } static void program_pwl( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct pwl_params *params) { uint32_t value; int retval; { uint8_t max_tries = 10; uint8_t counter = 0; /* Power on LUT memory */ if (REG(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL)) REG_UPDATE(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL, DCP_REGAMMA_MEM_PWR_DIS, 1); else REG_UPDATE(DCFE_MEM_LIGHT_SLEEP_CNTL, REGAMMA_LUT_LIGHT_SLEEP_DIS, 1); while (counter < max_tries) { if (REG(DCFE_MEM_PWR_STATUS)) { value = REG_READ(DCFE_MEM_PWR_STATUS); REG_GET(DCFE_MEM_PWR_STATUS, DCP_REGAMMA_MEM_PWR_STATE, &retval); if (retval == 0) break; ++counter; } else { value = REG_READ(DCFE_MEM_LIGHT_SLEEP_CNTL); REG_GET(DCFE_MEM_LIGHT_SLEEP_CNTL, REGAMMA_LUT_MEM_PWR_STATE, &retval); if (retval == 0) break; ++counter; } } if (counter == max_tries) { dm_logger_write(xfm_dce->base.ctx->logger, LOG_WARNING, "%s: regamma lut was not powered on " "in a timely manner," " programming still proceeds\n", __func__); } } REG_UPDATE(REGAMMA_LUT_WRITE_EN_MASK, REGAMMA_LUT_WRITE_EN_MASK, 7); REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_INDEX, 0); /* Program REGAMMA_LUT_DATA */ { uint32_t i = 0; const struct pwl_result_data *rgb = params->rgb_resulted; while (i != params->hw_points_num) { REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_DATA, rgb->red_reg); REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_DATA, rgb->green_reg); REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_DATA, rgb->blue_reg); REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_DATA, rgb->delta_red_reg); REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_DATA, rgb->delta_green_reg); REG_WRITE(REGAMMA_LUT_DATA, rgb->delta_blue_reg); ++rgb; ++i; } } /* we are done with DCP LUT memory; re-enable low power mode */ if (REG(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL)) REG_UPDATE(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL, DCP_REGAMMA_MEM_PWR_DIS, 0); else REG_UPDATE(DCFE_MEM_LIGHT_SLEEP_CNTL, REGAMMA_LUT_LIGHT_SLEEP_DIS, 0); } static void regamma_config_regions_and_segments( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, const struct pwl_params *params) { const struct gamma_curve *curve; { REG_SET_2(REGAMMA_CNTLA_START_CNTL, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION_START, params->arr_points[0].custom_float_x, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION_START_SEGMENT, 0); } { REG_SET(REGAMMA_CNTLA_SLOPE_CNTL, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION_LINEAR_SLOPE, params->arr_points[0].custom_float_slope); } { REG_SET(REGAMMA_CNTLA_END_CNTL1, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION_END, params->arr_points[1].custom_float_x); } { REG_SET_2(REGAMMA_CNTLA_END_CNTL2, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION_END_BASE, params->arr_points[1].custom_float_y, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION_END_SLOPE, params->arr_points[2].custom_float_slope); } curve = params->arr_curve_points; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_0_1, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_2_3, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_4_5, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_6_7, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_8_9, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_10_11, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_12_13, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } curve += 2; { REG_SET_4(REGAMMA_CNTLA_REGION_14_15, 0, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_LUT_OFFSET, curve[0].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION0_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[0].segments_num, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_LUT_OFFSET, curve[1].offset, REGAMMA_CNTLA_EXP_REGION1_NUM_SEGMENTS, curve[1].segments_num); } } bool dce110_opp_program_regamma_pwl( struct transform *xfm, const struct pwl_params *params) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); /* Setup regions */ regamma_config_regions_and_segments(xfm_dce, params); /* Program PWL */ program_pwl(xfm_dce, params); return true; } void dce110_opp_power_on_regamma_lut( struct transform *xfm, bool power_on) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); if (REG(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL)) REG_UPDATE_2(DCFE_MEM_PWR_CTRL, DCP_REGAMMA_MEM_PWR_DIS, power_on, DCP_LUT_MEM_PWR_DIS, power_on); else REG_UPDATE_2(DCFE_MEM_LIGHT_SLEEP_CNTL, REGAMMA_LUT_LIGHT_SLEEP_DIS, power_on, DCP_LUT_LIGHT_SLEEP_DIS, power_on); } void dce110_opp_set_regamma_mode(struct transform *xfm, enum opp_regamma mode) { struct dce_transform *xfm_dce = TO_DCE_TRANSFORM(xfm); REG_SET(REGAMMA_CONTROL, 0, GRPH_REGAMMA_MODE, mode); } static const struct transform_funcs dce_transform_funcs = { .transform_reset = dce_transform_reset, .transform_set_scaler = dce_transform_set_scaler, .transform_set_gamut_remap = dce_transform_set_gamut_remap, .opp_set_csc_adjustment = dce110_opp_set_csc_adjustment, .opp_set_csc_default = dce110_opp_set_csc_default, .opp_power_on_regamma_lut = dce110_opp_power_on_regamma_lut, .opp_program_regamma_pwl = dce110_opp_program_regamma_pwl, .opp_set_regamma_mode = dce110_opp_set_regamma_mode, .transform_set_pixel_storage_depth = dce_transform_set_pixel_storage_depth, .transform_get_optimal_number_of_taps = dce_transform_get_optimal_number_of_taps }; /*****************************************/ /* Constructor, Destructor */ /*****************************************/ bool dce_transform_construct( struct dce_transform *xfm_dce, struct dc_context *ctx, uint32_t inst, const struct dce_transform_registers *regs, const struct dce_transform_shift *xfm_shift, const struct dce_transform_mask *xfm_mask) { xfm_dce->base.ctx = ctx; xfm_dce->base.inst = inst; xfm_dce->base.funcs = &dce_transform_funcs; xfm_dce->regs = regs; xfm_dce->xfm_shift = xfm_shift; xfm_dce->xfm_mask = xfm_mask; xfm_dce->prescaler_on = true; xfm_dce->lb_pixel_depth_supported = LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_18BPP | LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_24BPP | LB_PIXEL_DEPTH_30BPP; xfm_dce->lb_bits_per_entry = LB_BITS_PER_ENTRY; xfm_dce->lb_memory_size = LB_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES; /*0x6B0*/ return true; }