/* Simple utility to prepare vmlinux image for sparc. Resolves all BTFIXUP uses and settings and creates a special .s object to link to the image. Copyright (C) 1998 Jakub Jelinek (jj@sunsite.mff.cuni.cz) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #define MAXSYMS 1024 static char *symtab = "SYMBOL TABLE:"; static char *relrec = "RELOCATION RECORDS FOR ["; static int rellen; static int symlen; int mode; struct _btfixup; typedef struct _btfixuprel { char *sect; unsigned long offset; struct _btfixup *f; int frel; struct _btfixuprel *next; } btfixuprel; typedef struct _btfixup { int type; int setinitval; unsigned int initval; char *initvalstr; char *name; btfixuprel *rel; } btfixup; btfixup array[MAXSYMS]; int last = 0; char buffer[1024]; unsigned long lastfoffset = -1; unsigned long lastfrelno; btfixup *lastf; void fatal(void) __attribute__((noreturn)); void fatal(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Malformed output from objdump\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } btfixup *find(int type, char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { if (array[i].type == type && !strcmp(array[i].name, name)) return array + i; } array[last].type = type; array[last].name = strdup(name); array[last].setinitval = 0; if (!array[last].name) fatal(); array[last].rel = NULL; last++; if (last >= MAXSYMS) { fprintf(stderr, "Ugh. Something strange. More than %d different BTFIXUP symbols\n", MAXSYMS); exit(1); } return array + last - 1; } void set_mode (char *buffer) { for (mode = 0;; mode++) if (buffer[mode] < '0' || buffer[mode] > '9') break; if (mode != 8 && mode != 16) fatal(); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *p, *q; char *sect; int i, j, k; unsigned int initval; int shift; btfixup *f; btfixuprel *r, **rr; unsigned long offset; char *initvalstr; symlen = strlen(symtab); while (fgets (buffer, 1024, stdin) != NULL) if (!strncmp (buffer, symtab, symlen)) goto main0; fatal(); main0: rellen = strlen(relrec); while (fgets (buffer, 1024, stdin) != NULL) if (!strncmp (buffer, relrec, rellen)) goto main1; fatal(); main1: sect = malloc(strlen (buffer + rellen) + 1); if (!sect) fatal(); strcpy (sect, buffer + rellen); p = strchr (sect, ']'); if (!p) fatal(); *p = 0; if (fgets (buffer, 1024, stdin) == NULL) fatal(); while (fgets (buffer, 1024, stdin) != NULL) { int nbase; if (!strncmp (buffer, relrec, rellen)) goto main1; if (mode == 0) set_mode (buffer); p = strchr (buffer, '\n'); if (p) *p = 0; if (strlen (buffer) < 22+mode) continue; if (strncmp (buffer + mode, " R_SPARC_", 9)) continue; nbase = 27 - 8 + mode; if (buffer[nbase] != '_' || buffer[nbase+1] != '_' || buffer[nbase+2] != '_') continue; switch (buffer[nbase+3]) { case 'f': /* CALL */ case 'b': /* BLACKBOX */ case 's': /* SIMM13 */ case 'a': /* HALF */ case 'h': /* SETHI */ case 'i': /* INT */ break; default: continue; } p = strchr (buffer + nbase+5, '+'); if (p) *p = 0; shift = nbase + 5; if (buffer[nbase+4] == 's' && buffer[nbase+5] == '_') { shift = nbase + 6; if (strcmp (sect, ".init.text")) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong use of '%s' BTFIXUPSET in '%s' section.\n" "BTFIXUPSET_CALL can be used only in" " __init sections\n", buffer + shift, sect); exit(1); } } else if (buffer[nbase+4] != '_') continue; if (!strcmp (sect, ".text.exit")) continue; if (strcmp (sect, ".text") && strcmp (sect, ".init.text") && strcmp (sect, ".fixup") && (strcmp (sect, "__ksymtab") || buffer[nbase+3] != 'f')) { if (buffer[nbase+3] == 'f') fprintf(stderr, "Wrong use of '%s' in '%s' section.\n" " It can be used only in .text, .init.text," " .fixup and __ksymtab\n", buffer + shift, sect); else fprintf(stderr, "Wrong use of '%s' in '%s' section.\n" " It can be only used in .text, .init.text," " and .fixup\n", buffer + shift, sect); exit(1); } p = strstr (buffer + shift, "__btset_"); if (p && buffer[nbase+4] == 's') { fprintf(stderr, "__btset_ in BTFIXUP name can only be used when defining the variable, not for setting\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } initval = 0; initvalstr = NULL; if (p) { if (p[8] != '0' || p[9] != 'x') { fprintf(stderr, "Pre-initialized values can be only initialized with hexadecimal constants starting 0x\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } initval = strtoul(p + 10, &q, 16); if (*q || !initval) { fprintf(stderr, "Pre-initialized values can be only in the form name__btset_0xXXXXXXXX where X are hex digits.\nThey cannot be name__btset_0x00000000 though. Use BTFIXUPDEF_XX instead of BTFIXUPDEF_XX_INIT then.\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } initvalstr = p + 10; *p = 0; } f = find(buffer[nbase+3], buffer + shift); if (buffer[nbase+4] == 's') continue; switch (buffer[nbase+3]) { case 'f': if (initval) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot use pre-initalized fixups for calls\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } if (!strcmp (sect, "__ksymtab")) { if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "32 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_CALL in EXPORT_SYMBOL results in relocation other than R_SPARC_32\n\%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } } else if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "WDISP30 ", 10) && strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "HI22 ", 10) && strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "LO10 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_CALL results in relocation other than R_SPARC_WDISP30, R_SPARC_HI22 or R_SPARC_LO10\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } break; case 'b': if (initval) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot use pre-initialized fixups for blackboxes\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "HI22 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_BLACKBOX results in relocation other than R_SPARC_HI22\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } break; case 's': if (initval + 0x1000 >= 0x2000) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong initializer for SIMM13. Has to be from $fffff000 to $00000fff\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "13 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_SIMM13 results in relocation other than R_SPARC_13\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } break; case 'a': if (initval + 0x1000 >= 0x2000 && (initval & 0x3ff)) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong initializer for HALF.\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "13 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_HALF results in relocation other than R_SPARC_13\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } break; case 'h': if (initval & 0x3ff) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong initializer for SETHI. Cannot have set low 10 bits\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "HI22 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_SETHI results in relocation other than R_SPARC_HI22\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } break; case 'i': if (initval) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot use pre-initalized fixups for INT\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } if (strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "HI22 ", 10) && strncmp (buffer + mode+9, "LO10 ", 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "BTFIXUP_INT results in relocation other than R_SPARC_HI22 and R_SPARC_LO10\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } break; } if (!f->setinitval) { f->initval = initval; if (initvalstr) { f->initvalstr = strdup(initvalstr); if (!f->initvalstr) fatal(); } f->setinitval = 1; } else if (f->initval != initval) { fprintf(stderr, "Btfixup %s previously used with initializer %s which doesn't match with current initializer\n%s\n", f->name, f->initvalstr ? : "0x00000000", buffer); exit(1); } else if (initval && strcmp(f->initvalstr, initvalstr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Btfixup %s previously used with initializer %s which doesn't match with current initializer.\n" "Initializers have to match literally as well.\n%s\n", f->name, f->initvalstr, buffer); exit(1); } offset = strtoul(buffer, &q, 16); if (q != buffer + mode || (!offset && (mode == 8 ? strncmp (buffer, "00000000 ", 9) : strncmp (buffer, "0000000000000000 ", 17)))) { fprintf(stderr, "Malformed relocation address in\n%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } for (k = 0, r = f->rel, rr = &f->rel; r; rr = &r->next, r = r->next, k++) if (r->offset == offset && !strcmp(r->sect, sect)) { fprintf(stderr, "Ugh. One address has two relocation records\n"); exit(1); } *rr = malloc(sizeof(btfixuprel)); if (!*rr) fatal(); (*rr)->offset = offset; (*rr)->f = NULL; if (buffer[nbase+3] == 'f') { lastf = f; lastfoffset = offset; lastfrelno = k; } else if (lastfoffset + 4 == offset) { (*rr)->f = lastf; (*rr)->frel = lastfrelno; } (*rr)->sect = sect; (*rr)->next = NULL; } printf("! Generated by btfixupprep. Do not edit.\n\n"); printf("\t.section\t\".data.init\",#alloc,#write\n\t.align\t4\n\n"); printf("\t.global\t___btfixup_start\n___btfixup_start:\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { f = array + i; printf("\t.global\t___%cs_%s\n", f->type, f->name); if (f->type == 'f') printf("___%cs_%s:\n\t.word 0x%08x,0,0,", f->type, f->name, f->type << 24); else printf("___%cs_%s:\n\t.word 0x%08x,0,", f->type, f->name, f->type << 24); for (j = 0, r = f->rel; r != NULL; j++, r = r->next); if (j) printf("%d\n\t.word\t", j * 2); else printf("0\n"); for (r = f->rel, j--; r != NULL; j--, r = r->next) { if (!strcmp (r->sect, ".text")) printf ("_stext+0x%08lx", r->offset); else if (!strcmp (r->sect, ".init.text")) printf ("__init_begin+0x%08lx", r->offset); else if (!strcmp (r->sect, "__ksymtab")) printf ("__start___ksymtab+0x%08lx", r->offset); else if (!strcmp (r->sect, ".fixup")) printf ("__start___fixup+0x%08lx", r->offset); else fatal(); if (f->type == 'f' || !r->f) printf (",0"); else printf (",___fs_%s+0x%08x", r->f->name, (4 + r->frel*2)*4 + 4); if (j) printf (","); else printf ("\n"); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n\t.global\t___btfixup_end\n___btfixup_end:\n"); printf("\n\n! Define undefined references\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { f = array + i; if (f->type == 'f') { printf("\t.global\t___f_%s\n", f->name); printf("___f_%s:\n", f->name); } } printf("\tretl\n\t nop\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { f = array + i; if (f->type != 'f') { if (!f->initval) { printf("\t.global\t___%c_%s\n", f->type, f->name); printf("___%c_%s = 0\n", f->type, f->name); } else { printf("\t.global\t___%c_%s__btset_0x%s\n", f->type, f->name, f->initvalstr); printf("___%c_%s__btset_0x%s = 0x%08x\n", f->type, f->name, f->initvalstr, f->initval); } } } printf("\n\n"); exit(0); }