--- title: "Running firefly3 on alpine" date: 2022-07-18 tags: ['alpine', 'linux', 'php', 'nginx'] --- **Disclaimer:** before starting be aware that I'm not a sysadmin nor I have a deep knowledge in security. This is me reporting the steps I did as a learning experiment, so take this tutorial as your own risk. I have a pretty decent knowledge in container tecnology, I maintain several container on my local server for many applications. However I've decided to take a step back and learn a bit more how those applications are really deployed and kept without containers, and first candidate being firefly3[^1]. I have it currently running on container but let's install in a disctributions. For the distro of choice I'll pick alpine, for its small footprint and the use of OpenRC (nothing against systemd though). *I don't want to extend this tutorial to cover every single part, so for the next steps I'll assume that you have a running instance of PostgreSQL and Alpine.* ## Dependencies First we need to install all the necessary packages to get firefly running. Let's go through them and check are they are used for. ```shell apk add curl tar gzip ``` cURL is needed to download the source code from Github and tar gzip are for extracting the compressed code. ```shell apk add composer ``` Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. It is required to download the dependencies of the project. Now we need to download the list of dependencies list in the site[^2]. ``` Extra packages Install the following PHP modules: PHP BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics PHP Internationalization extension PHP Curl PHP Zip PHP Sodium PHP GD PHP XML PHP MBString PHP whatever database you're gonna use. ``` For those we have the following alpine packages: ```shell apk add \ php8 \ php8-curl \ php8-zip \ php8-sodium \ php8-gd \ php8-xml \ php8-mbstring \ php8-bcmath \ php8-pgsql ``` But that is not everything, I don't If I lack knowledge in the PHP stack but the applicatoin will later complain about a lot of missing dependencies, those being: ```shell apk add \ php8-fileinfo \ php8-intl \ php8-session \ php8-simplexml \ php8-tokenizer \ php8-xmlwriter \ php8-dom \ php8-pdo_pgsql \ php8-shmop ``` A tip that may as well help you later. Some of those not listed packages are described in the their project for the docker image[^3] and its base image[^4]. It can also help with describing the necessary steps. As the next step we need to install the pieces of software that will actually run the project: ```shell apk add nginx php8-fpm ``` Nginx will act as reverse proxy and php8-fpm will actually run the project. You can use lighttpd as well as some others. ## Deploying the code Now we have all necessary packages, lets download the project into on server, grab the latest release from Github, at the time of this writing is `5.7.9`. Download into the `/var/www/firefly`. The folder location is kinda up you, I think nginx itself has another default folder for its sites, but I always use www folder to store the projects. ```shell mkdir -p /var/www/firefly ``` Create the folder then download/extract the source code: ```shell curl -SL https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/archive/refs/tags/5.7.9.tar.gz | \ tar zxC /var/www/firefly --strip-components 1 ``` This piece of code was taken from the dockerfile[^5]. Now move to the `/var/www/firefly` and install its dependencies with composer: ```shell cd /var/www/firefly composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev --no-scripts ``` ## Config files ### Firefly Firefly makes the process of setting up the connection strings and other configuration quite easy. We'll only need to create an `.env` file with all the information needed. Fill the information according with your setup: ```ini # /var/wwww/firefly/.env DB_CONNECTION=pgsql DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=firefly DB_USERNAME=admin DB_PASSWORD=admin APP_KEY= ``` To generate a random key just run: ```shell head /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | head -c 32 && echo ``` Once you have set it up we need to bootstrap the project: ```shell php artisan config:cache ``` To update the cached configuration. If everything is setup properly the process finish successfully. ```shell php artisan firefly-iii:create-database php artisan migrate:refresh --seed php artisan firefly-iii:upgrade-database ``` To bootstrap the database. ### Nginx We will need to edit the nginx config file to find and run the project, add the following server inside of `/etc/nginx/http.d/`, by default nginx will read all `.config` inside of that folder. Just like the www folder this is more a personal choice, you have some room to choose where you want to config this server. ```shell # /etc/nginx/http.d/firefly.conf server { listen 8080; server_name localhost; root /var/www/firefly/public; location ~ \.php$ { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass; include fastcgi.conf; } location / { try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args; } } ``` This will set up the process in the port 8080. It is just an exemple, adapt it to your needs. ### Services Now that we have everything set up we can start the service to serve firefly: ```shell rc-service php-fpm8 start rc-service nginx start ``` `http://localhot:8080/` (or your server's hostname) should be up and running. [^1]: https://www.firefly-iii.org/ [^2]: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/installation/self_hosted/?mtm_campaign=docu-internal&mtm_kwd=self_hosted [^3]: https://dev.azure.com/Firefly-III/_git/MainImage [^4]: https://dev.azure.com/firefly-iii/_git/BaseImage [^5]: https://dev.azure.com/Firefly-III/MainImage/_git/MainImage?path=/Dockerfile&version=GC520b8f865ea623a8625fe64e9f583406849be91a&line=14&lineEnd=15&lineStartColumn=1&lineEndColumn=1&lineStyle=plain&_a=contents