path: root/Makefile
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
13 daysref: Refactor makefileGabriel A. Giovanini
Now the makefile file takes into account the source folder for temaplating and scss, which means it will not regeneratem them every time you run "make" or "make run". This speeds up local development iterations.
2024-06-15ref: Make slug configurableGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-06-07feat: Rework some pagesGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-05-26feat: Add slug to buildGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-05-05ui: Add navbarGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-05-05feat: Add qtc templatingGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-05-05feat: Add bootsrap scssGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-05-04feat: Add config parsingGabriel A. Giovanini
2024-05-01feat: Initial http server codeGabriel A. Giovanini